Have you ever thought about Jesus?

If you would like to read a paper bible and don't have one, please contact the office (admin@kirkellachurch.com) and we will bring one to you. Alternatively, you can download a Bible app for your phone like YouVersion.
321 Course
If you are interested in finding out more but you are not ready to come to church, we recommend this free and totally online course.

Alternatively, you can join us in church for
Christianity Explored
Have you ever wondered what Christians believe? Or would you like a reminder? Then why not join us for a Christianity Explored course. This is a friendly, informal 7 weeks course with videos and chat. (It is fine to attend just the first week to try it out if you are not sure if this course is for you.) You can ask any questions you have about the Christian faith. We run courses from time to time but if there is no course listed below feel free to contact the Church Office to express your interest.

Our next course will run as follows:
Start date: Wednesday 16th October (for 7 weeks)
Time: 6.30 for dinner, 7pm start of course, finished by 8pm
Venue: St Andrew's Kirk Ella, Church Lane, HU10 7TL
For more information or to express your interest in attending please contact the Church Office 01482 654713
Finally, why not come and join us for one of our services:
9:30am @ St Luke's, Willerby
10:45am @ St Andrew's, Kirk Ella
6:30pm @ St Andrew's
10:30am traditional service @ St Andrew's