Flower Guild
Who is it for?

Easter Cross: photo courtesy of Stan Field
When and where is it?
There are three meetings each year to plan for Easter, Harvest and Christmas, as well as an AGM in January. We also hold an annual Coffee Morning. If you can't make the meetings, you can still join the Flower Guild and be part of the rota.
What happens?
We provide flowers (although you can bring your own, too) for displays in the church throughout the year. There are special displays for Easter, Christmas and Harvest, as well as Remembrance Sunday and a beautiful annual Lily display in memory of a loved one. Our Wedding Flower Team work closely with couples to create elegant displays for weddings at the Church. We also provide small arrangements to sell at the Church Christmas and Summer Fairs. Our aims are:
- To serve Jesus Christ and the Church family by creating a more beautiful setting for the acts of worship with flowers suitable for the Church calendar.
- To inspire worship by bringing life and colour to the Church, reminding us of the natural world God has created.
- To greet visitors and provide a friendly, warm atmosphere, making the Church appear cared for and a centre of happy activity.
- To encourage the talents we have been given, working in a satisfying and peaceful way.
- To encourage friendship amongst our members.
Flower Guild Diary Dates
How do I get involved?
Contact Maggie Sharrock (01482 658091).