Giving to St Andrew's

Why Give?
Giving money to support ministry is a part of Christian discipleship. It doesn’t matter how much you give. Giving is a response to God’s grace (2 Corinthians 8:9). Each of us should give what we have decided in our hearts to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver (2 Corinthians 9:7). Jesus commended the poor widow who could only give a single coin (Mark 12:43), and God calls those who can afford it to give more according to their ability (2 Corinthians 9:11). It’s spiritually good for us to give (Philippians 4:17) and we’ll find it a greater blessing to give than receive (Acts 20:35). A good rule of thumb is to work out what 10% of your income is. Can you realistically give that? For some it will be too much of a stretch, but perhaps for a few others with a high disposable income 10% might not be as generous as it sounds.
St Andrew’s, like most churches, entirely relies on the church family’s giving. There are no government grants or money from the Church of England funding our ministry – in fact money flows the other way as we pay taxes and pay money to the Diocese of York for the services they provide.
Where does our giving go?
Our ministry at St Andrew’s – helping one another live for Jesus and making him known throughout Willerby, Kirk Ella and beyond – cannot happen without us all giving generously. The more generous we are with our money, the more ministry can happen, and the more people hear the gospel. We use the money we receive to pay our staff, look after the buildings we own, pay the bills and buy things that enable ministry. In addition, St Andrew’s provides financial support for our mission partners both in the UK and abroad.
How to give
The best way to give is regularly by standing order (details in the attached file). This enables the Treasurer to budget, and means that you can continue giving when you’re not able to be in church.
You can make one-off donations directly into the church’s bank account by clicking on the button at the top of this page. You may want to do this if you receive a windfall such as an inheritance or a gift and you’d like to use some of it to help fund gospel work.
Don’t forget to consider leaving some money to St Andrew’s in you will. Legacies, however large or small, can make a huge difference to gospel work as they are above and beyond our planned giving. A true legacy is one that makes a difference now and in eternity. If you do decide to include St Andrew’s in your will it is enormously helpful to leave it to general funds rather than specify what you would like the money spending on.